1. Crossing the divide(Abyss) we encounter other systems of about25,000,000,000, or the first magnitude. Our most powerful glass reachesthe 16thMagnitude is very uneven and irregular, and beyond this there is no2. Many constellations have more than one sun, while others areuble, quadruple, and multiple. It is estimated a brilliant star, and canbe seen; of these over a million have been catalogued and only about 25whose distance have been measured

The earth reached its state of concentration, and the vapor in greatclouds enveloped the heavier substance. The earth being heaved up byvolcanoes(caused by the vapor coming in contact with the heatedmaterial); as the vapor reached its state, rain fell on the earth crust,thus rivers, lakes, and oceans were formed2. Here animal and vegetable matter began to flourish3. Great deposits of protoplasm became concentrated over the earth'srface: from the deposits sprang all kinds of vegetables and animals thatflourish, and many more families than inhabit the earth to-day becamextinct4. Vegetable matter began to flourish as its semen becameoncentrated, likewise animal matter. (This takes place to-day indifferent ways, principally in Marine varites. See Chap. I, par. 65. Reproductions in all families that flourish; some families mix andtheir offspring will not reproduce. (Life cannot be destroyed, butflourishment can.)6. Man came from deposits of protoplasm(semen) as is produced forreproduction of man to-day. The deposits were of different kinds: eachdeposit brought forth its own branch of humanity, these branches being ofdifferent type and tongue. Later the tongue of one branch becameeamed by the other. From the different original tongues will give us agood estimate of deposits in number7. Babies were nourished in the protoplasm deposits the same as theyare in their mothers womb. This nourishment came from the abundanceof albumen which accompanied the semen in concentrating. As thebabies matured they broke the crust of the deposit of protoplasm and putforth their heads and breathed the air: their bodies still remained in thealbumen until they gained strength to feed themselves on the albumen.Here the babies broke the cord (navel cord) that brought nourishment intotheir bodies, as in the womb of a mother and crawled around over thecrust of the deposit where they came, feeding on its crust by putting it intotheir mouths. The babe has not forgotten it yet as everything he gets thathe can handle goes to his mouth. He learned to walk and talk to hibrothers and sisters, and composed a language of their own. Heremanhood and womanhood is reached8. All animals came in like manner but without a fluent language.9 vegetable matter flourished and the earth is inhabited. All bodies thathave atmosphere are inhabited. Atmosphere is vaporized protoplasm.10. Ten of the principal materials that produce flourishment are carbon,hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, sulphur, calcium, ironand magnesium; protoplasm contains everything: chemists have not beenable to determine and classify protoplasm. (See Chap I, par. 7.11. Humanity varied much in size. The giant tribe (such as thepetrified Cardiff Giant) has long been extinct Men of this type weighed500 pounds and more, measured nearly 12 feet in height, while ourmidgets measure under 2 feet.12. Hermaphrodites exist in all material that flourishes.Malformation

al has its own magnetism which is its source of strengthce The glands. nerves. and ducts are batteries, ducts andglands storage batteries, the nerves motive and sensation(or intelligence).The brain is the principal battery of sensation(or intelligence), while theheart is the principal motive battery2. The child begins to train himself to make use of his limbs. first byswinging his arms and legs, second by creeping, third by walking. Note achild feeding itself, how unsteady he is in getting his food to his moutsometimes his spoon misses his mouth and the food is spilled, for whichhe usually receives a slap, although he has displayed all his energygetting his food in his mouth Next we find him a trained athlete andkilled laborer, capable of apply ing himself to most any thing he cares todo3. But little attention is paid to the training of animal magnetismAny one with nerves in his teeth can concentrate magnetism in the teethso it can be easily felt, also the lips; by training the magnetism it can beconcentrated in any part of the body. This takes constant practice andould be used when one has any disability by concentrating the magnetisn the disabled part, causing the blood to circulate more freely at the pointwhere the magnetism is concentrated, and thus improving the disabled part.The osteologist does this by massage, the real faith cure man byconcentrating his magnetism on the patient, the practitioner uses medicineand drugs. each having their own maetc. Accordinglydiseases are contagious by people becoming inoculated bymagnetism which comes from some kind of matter. (See Chap. I, par. 7.)4. The hypnotist or mesmerist gains control of his opponents throughanimalm and controls every movement The nerves cease to actand the hypnotist is boss. The patient can be made to exert great strengtand pass dangerous points without falling. A hypnotist ornvanably inhealth and flesh This is caused by the over-taxationof his own nerves and ducts6. Animal magnetism can he used like wireless telegraphy. MissHelen Kellar is one of the best known for telepathy. She was bom blindalso deaf and dumb. She is a great linguist and well educated7. The dumb animals in their wild state use telepathy much whenencountering danger, their keen scent of the deer, horse, etc, enables themto determine the direction of the enem8. Predestination is cultivated and in most instances comes true. Iobserved this in the case of William McKinley, marty red President of theUnited States of America, who said he wanted to follow in the footsteps ofJames A. Garfield, also martyred President Let us see how nearly hecame following in his footsteps: Bom in the same locality, President ofthe same country, each supported a platform of good currency, eachassassinated in the same month, and in the seat of the Presidency. Bothdied a lingering death: the difference in the length of time of theirflourishment was 8 months and 7 davs[Figures: Photographs of William McKinley and James AGarfield.9. Next observe the old in their feebleness and we see these welltrained hands tremble: the gland ducts and nerves are withering, theanimal magnetism is weakening. which renders them childish10. The ducts, glands, and nerves throw off their magnetism in mdifferent ways, in exertion, fright, fear, anguish, discontent, happinessndness. loveliness, desire. etc.Dr. T. B. Robertson discovered that Tethelin (located in the pituitarybody at the base of the brain) produces the growth of the bod

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